Day 100: Normal
What does normal mean to you? Is it good or bad to be normal?
Being normal is bullshit. Some people strive for it, some people settle for it. I don't care. I have never in my life been considered normal. I have been "othered" in every way possible. I was never destined to be normal.
Normal is defined as "conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected."
I think there's comfort in being "normal" or middle-of-the-road because in that space life is nice, no one rocks the boat, everyone conforms to similar ideals and everyone lives happily ever after.
I think anyone that can achieve normalcy in this day and age is an extremely privileged individual. For most people, being "normal" is simply not an option. So what happens when you grow up without that option?
You lean into it.
Dye your hair weird colors, pierce your body parts, get meaningful tattoos in special places, pick up a hobby that won't make you any money, sing loudly in front of strangers, go road tripping by yourself, do whatever it is you want. Because when you stop striving for "normal" that's when you can actually start living a real life.
Cheers to my 100th post!
Gif belongs to @irisgifs