The Shark Agenda

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Day 70: Recipe

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Write about a favorite recipe, or create a poem that is a recipe for something abstract, such as a feeling.

2 cups of kind words and encouragement
1.5 cups of romancing and courtship
2 tbsp of stupid jokes
1/4 cup of spontaneity
1 cup of trust and respect
1 pinch of enjoying each other's company in silence
1/2 lb of compatibility
Top it off with a garnish of patience
And you have the perfect recipe for a lasting, loving relationship.

Tweak the ingredients at your own discretion. Everyone has their own preference. 
Some people like it served cold, boiling hot or at room temperature.
I recommend a nice red blend wine (Shiraz, Cabernet and a touch of Merlot) to be served alongside the dish.