The Shark Agenda

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Pregnancy Diaries Entry No. 4: Getting Everything Ready for the New Arrival

Third trimester truly came so fast, I’m feeling whiplash. I definitely LOOK so much more pregnant than I have for the last few months. You know what’s the most interesting thing about being this pregnant? How differently people treat you. Sometimes it’s a nice thing, other times it’s very weird or downright annoying.

I am irritatingly hyper independent and hate to ask for help but it’s really sweet when people are attentive and caring. I can admit that I like being taken care of even if that was an alien feeling to me before. But I can’t do things now that I used to do with ease. Hell, I get out of breath just standing for too long in the sun.

Anxiety is growing a little each day. Been trying out prenatal yoga to not only get my body ready and limber, but to help with breathing exercises. I have a tendency to catastrophize (imagining the worst possible outcome of an action or event) and spiraling, which is a fun feature of my severe anxiety. I’ve been pretty good about managing my panic attacks but certain obstacles outside of my control keep adding stress to what should be a stress-free process. Thankfully, nothing to do with my physical health but I really wish things would just work out smoothly at least for the next year. I have enough on my plate, you know?

*breathes in, breathes out*

Spending a good chunk of my time organizing and building things for baby’s room and things she’ll need. I’m so thankful and grateful to all my family and friends and family friends and friends of friends who contributed to our baby’s future. It means so much to me that we’ve gotten so much help with buying stuff we’ll need. I know there are people who have to do everything on their own and I appreciate the community we’ve built here and back home.