Vanessa's Favorite Films of All-Time Part 11: Chicago
This blog originally started as a long, long master post of my favorite films but because I like making gifs too much I had to break each movie out into their own films. 😅 What? You’ll read it either way.
Here’s part 11:
Chicago (2002) aka Vanessa’s Love of 1920s Crime and Aesthetics Collide
Chicago (2002), directed by Rob Marshall
I‘m very picky when it comes to musicals, mostly because I lack patience for song breaks but trust me when I say…Chicago is the best film adaptation of a musical ever. Even real musical theater nerds agree! I really fucking love this movie. It’s set in an era that is so aesthetically pleasing to me, with a primarily female cast of unrepentant assholes, overloaded with talent.
Also one of the better musical movie soundtracks of all time? Yes.
I think my overall favorite thing about this movie, in particular, is how timeless it feels. Which is weird to say about a movie very much set in Jazz Era Chicago. It’s the overall theme of selling sex vs victimhood, finding currency in womanhood because society has yanked away women’s inherent power, ultimately finding vengeance and peace outside the system that hates you, etc. The themes exist because they’re real. Still relevant to today.