Vanessa's Favorite Films of All-Time Part Six: The Dark Knight
This blog originally started as a long, long master post of my favorite films but because I like making gifs too much I had to break each movie out into their own films. 😅 What? You’ll read it either way.
Here’s part six:
The Dark Knight (2008) aka Vanessa’s Reward for Being a Comic Book Junkie
The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan. Courtesy of Warner Brothers.
Comic books are everything to me, they’re my stress reliever and my escape. So when the comic book movie adaptation boom started happening in 2000-2008, which has since reached it’s peak in 2019, I was in absolute heaven. The Dark Knight is one of the best comic book films to ever exist, if not The Best. Many would try to argue but I don’t care. It’s a masterpiece in terms of taking a comic book property and elevating it to the screen in a way that both honors the source material, while also doing its own thing.
There’s not really much else I can say about this movie that so many others haven’t already said. It’s so damn thrilling to see a Joker that truly thrives on chaos in a deeply unsettling way that makes you question things you typically don’t poke at.
As y’all already know, I am a Christian Bale fan girl and his Bruce Wayne is among one of my fave versions in live action. I have Bale bias and I don’t care! The entire Harvey Dent storyline was done so fucking beautifully! It would’ve been so damn dope to see this BaleBat-verse go further and introduce their own Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, The Riddler, Penguin, etc. I still kind of want to see what the Gotham rogues and Superman and all the Bat-kids would’ve looked like according to Christopher Nolan.
But alas, all we got was a near-perfect trilogy. We can’t have it all.