Vanessa's Favorite Films of All-Time Part Seven: The Fifth Element
This blog originally started as a long, long master post of my favorite films but because I like making gifs too much I had to break each movie out into their own films. 😅 What? You’ll read it either way.
Here’s part seven:
The Fifth Element (1997) aka Blending Vanessa’s Fave Elements: Religion and Science Fiction
The Fifth Element, directed by Luc Besson. Courtesy of Sony/Columbia.
This movie is pure camp and spectacle. I also discovered this year that it is actually an English-language FRENCH film, which explains why the entire movie feels like a fashion show with a plot thrown in there somewhere.
And I absolutely fucking LOVE IT.
Leeloo “Leeloominai Lekatariba Lamiatcha Ebat de Sabat” is a fish-out-of-water story that is familiar to most people, but with fun hair and cute outfits! Corbin Dallas is the typical gruff action star Bruce Willis just ADORES playing. Then you have random shit like Chris Tucker in DRAG, Gary Oldman with a TRIANGULAR SOUL PATCH, costumes designed by Jean Paul Gaultier, Luke Perry looking like James Van Der Beek and SO MUCH MORE INSANITY.
All of that nonsense, ridiculousness and campy goodness can distract you from the film’s overall message: by nature, humans are destructive, brutal and ruthless creatures who also have the capacity for love, hope and optimism, when given the right tools and path to walk. I love this movie and its message, but also …
Gif found via Tumblr by way of Google.