Vanessa's Favorite Films of All-Time Part Three: American Psycho
This blog originally started as a long, long master post of my favorite films but because I like making gifs too much I had to break each movie out into their own films. 😅 What? You’ll read it either way.
Here’s part three:
American Psycho (2000) aka Vanessa’s Morbid Curiosity
American Psycho, directed by Mary Harron.
First of all, this masterpiece of a movie was directed by a WOMAN. I didn’t realize that until my 3rd or 4th rewatch later in my life. Second of all, I watched this movie the year it came out. Do you know how old I was when this movie came out? 9 years old! I turned 10 that year! I used to sneak and watch movies I wasn’t supposed to watch when I was a kid ALL THE TIME. (Sorry, mom.) And frankly, this is one movie I shouldn’t have seen until I was much older heehee.
This movie set off my eternal love for Christian Bale. The man can do (almost) no wrong in my eyes…in terms of acting. And what he does with Patrick Bateman is unsettlingly good. Bateman is an absurd microcosm of every Wall Street asshole you wish didn’t exist in real life but absolutely do.
We know this guy, don’t we, ladies? That smug douche bag that feels entitled to every single second of your time and the second they sense rejection it’s like blood in the fucking water. The movie is a brilliant in a lot of little ways but it’s also darkly funny as shit. There’s scenes I laughed at that I may be going to nonexistent hell for. What else is entertainment for?