The Shark Agenda

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Day 152: Mind and Body

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Write something that would motivate others to workout and exercise.

The fact that this prompt came up on today, of all days, makes me kinda sorta believe in destiny. I just weighed myself this week and have clocked in at 138 lbs! It has been such a long and hard journey especially as someone who spent 22 years of her life skinny and weighing no more than 115 lbs.

Once I left college, my metabolism slowed down and all of sudden I was seeing fat in places I had never seen before. I tried dieting, extreme workouts, some bad eating habits and none of it worked for me. Once I got a Fitbit and started running every morning, I felt healthier than I'd been in years.

But the thing that helped me the most? Just accepting my body changes and learning to love my new curves.

It took a LONG time for me to not look in the mirror and not be disgusted by my body. Acceptance of yourself is literally the first step in being active and healthy for the right reasons. The second I stopped trying to lose weight is when I actually started losing weight.

I run 3-5 miles every day when I can, I hit the Stairmaster at least 3 times a week, as well as weight training. This keeps me motivated and energized throughout the day while also burning the shit out of my fat. The food part was the hardest, however and that's where true weight loss comes from.

I had to severely reduce my proportion sizes. And cut out a good chunk of unnecessary sugars (ALCOHOL IS THE BIGGEST CULPRIT) but I also didn't want to deprive myself so it's been a process. I grew up eating giant Puerto Rican meals and would eat until I was uncomfortably full. Changing that habit took a LONG time but I have finally mastered my cravings. Mind over stomach, as it were. Moving out to Vegas actually helped in that regard; such a drastic change essentially gave me a reboot button on my life that I wasn't going to waste.

People who struggle with their weight and their body image, I want you to know that 100% feel you. I have been there before and it's not easy. But I'm down 15 lbs since moving to Vegas and am nearing my goal weight of 135 lbs. Check your meal proportion sizes, work out in the mornings if you can, take the stairs over the elevator, eat less sugar, etc etc. I'm not a professional but this is what worked for me!