The Shark Agenda

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Day 127: Know-It-All

Photo provided by CreateHer Stock

Write about something you are very knowledgeable about, for example a favorite hobby or passion of yours.

I don't talk enough about my social media shit. I am not only an avid personal user of social media but it's my livelihood as well. I consider social media marketing,  advertising, community, photography, strategy, etc something I am very knowledgeable about. 

My passion for social media began when I was about 14 years old with MySpace. Remember that? Only true Millennials know about MySpace. I remember being obsessed with knowing what everyone else was doing at all times. People tend to overshare when the sharing is done impersonally. 

We moved on from MySpace to Facebook eventually. That was the bulk of my college experience before I personally moved on to Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. 

When I got my first job out of college, social media was in its beginning stages of being an actual paid profession. Everyone my age migrating from college to the work force were being asked to take on social media duties as companies scrambled to figure out how to make it all work for them.

Between all the jobs that I have done over the years, I learned one valuable lesson about social media: it is ever-evolving, ever-growing and will never die. My experience also reaffirmed what I discovered when I was 14: people are still blasting out their deepest, darkest, innermost thoughts to the world in a strange cognitive dissonance between a personal diary and a public speech.

Knowing how people think, how they react, how they organize, how they assimilate, how they rebel is something I have always been able to suss out. That capability has only advanced my social media skills in ways I never really planned for. It gave me a confidence to explore my area of expertise and continue to challenge myself. 

The best part about it all is because this industry is ever-evolving, I'll never be out of a job.