The Shark Agenda

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Day 111: Questions

Photo by Evan Dennis on Unsplash

Write about questions you have for the universe.

Are we the only living sentient beings in the universe?
How many galaxies like ours are out there?
Why haven't humans evolved beyond death?
How many humans would it take to end the Earth?
Were we never meant to travel through the stars?
Is there someone out there watching over us?
Are soulmates real? Does one exist for everyone? Or are there multiple soulmates for multiple people?
What comes after life?
Does anything come after death?
Is death final?
What's the total amount of humans that have ever lived?

Some days, very rarely, I get deep into my existential crisis, sometimes drowning in it. I question the very nature of my existence, the reality we live in. I partially blame The Matrix, to be honest. Watching that movie as a kid had me paranoid about every little thing. I have always felt that there is something more to this life than how we currently live it. That if we could just lift that veil, so many mysteries would be revealed to us. 

And then I shake myself out of my Deep Thoughts™️ and remember to lighten up. Not everything has to have a double meaning or is a puzzle to solve. Some things really are what they are.