The Shark Agenda

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Day 107: Pieced Together

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Write about a time when someone figured something out or solved a mystery.

She snapped multiple pictures of the two men eating at the cafe across the street. She had to do it on her iPhone because a DSLR camera is insanely conspicuous and she was trying to be the opposite.

Her phone started buzzing. It was her best friend texting her to see if they were still on for dinner tonight. She didn't have the heart to tell him she probably couldn't make it because she was stalking her boss.

Her boss, she recently discovered, was using the company she worked for, Watershed Publishing, to funnel money for the local mob. As his personal assistant, she had access to all of his emails, his cell phone, his house, etc. And he trusted her implicitly. Mistake.

Two months ago, she was at her boss's place late one evening trying to help install a new software on his computer when someone knocked on the door. She remembered the panic in his eyes, as if it had just happened yesterday. He told her to stay put up here while he went to "deal with it."

She remembered being so confused and kept working on the software. Then she heard him yelling and she ran out of the room in time to see four large men standing at attention in the hallway downstairs while a fifth guy was holding her boss up by the neck against the wall. She silently grabbed her shit, snuck out of his home office and crept out the backdoor.

Her boss told her a lie the next day about his friends showing up out of the blue to hang out and drink. She never mentioned what she saw, she never told him she knew he was lying. She tried to put it out of her head instead. Until 3 days later when the company's entire legal team got dumped and replaced by a bunch of terrifying people.

Even she recognized the new team as the same lawyers who have defended the Drummond crime family in the past. The entire office was buzzing about it for weeks. Instead of gossiping like the rest, she decided to dust off her investigative journalism skills she left behind years ago.

And now here she was, stalking her boss, gathering evidence she could take to the police.