Days 201-205: Empathy, Opposites, Boredom, Strength, Hunger
201. Empathy: Write about your feelings of empathy or compassion for another person.
There’s a person I was friends with who reminds me a lot of myself when I was in my early 20s. Brash, loud, never wrong, never backs down; an attitude that tends to lose a lot of friends and quickly. I had to take a step back from the person while at the same time fully and truly understanding how and why they are why they are. I empathize because I recognize a kindred spirit.
202. Opposites: Write a poem or story that talks about two opposite forces coming together.
A fire broke out on top of the water
A curious sight to be sure.
Even curiouser, it stayed lit for 30 days
And 30 nights.
The water beneath stilled with flame,
Not a single wave dared ripple it’s fiery surface.
203. Boredom: Write about being bored or make a list of different ways to entertain yourself.
Whenever I’m bored, I do chores. Seriously. It’s usually a lot that get piled up because I procrastinate during the week. So laundry, putting clothes away, cleaning the kitchen, etc all get done when I’m hella bored. If in the off chance I have no chores to do, I’d go on an extra long walk or run with my puppy and husband. Living in Las Vegas, you kind of have to work to be bored.
204. Strength: Think of a time when you’ve been physically or emotionally strong and use that as inspiration.
Having the strength to admit you’re in the wrong is not something everyone has. It’s not something that I even have often but I’m working on it. Every day that I admit to myself that I am not perfect and that I am allowed to fuck up, I become a better, more well-adjusted person.
“Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.”