Day 3: The Vessel
Write about a ship or other vehicle that can take you somewhere different from where you are now.
This ship was made of DWARF! STAR! ALLOY! (I think?) And it's taking me to the unknown promised land of unexplored galaxies.
You heard me. Ya girl's going into outer space. Even though it scares the living shit out of me.
Space scares you?, you might be thinking, in a rather smug tone.
Um, yes. It's a vast nothingness filled with specks of...somethingness. It's terrifying. We all are scared of the unknown to some degree, no?
But no matter! I'm going. This ship looks sturdy enough to carry me, my luggage and my ego. I'm ready to explore the Great Beyond.
After I've loaded my entire life onto this ship, I noticed that everyone else around me in the main hull looked like actual adults with real jobs.
Not that I'm not an adult with a real job. Writers are people too, Janet!
Anyway, these people looked like scientists and engineers and doctors and I'm basing this purely on the fact that they're wearing glasses and unflattering, tan-colored clothes. I don't judge.
I walk up to the nearest beige person and tap them on the shoulder. She smiles brightly at me.
"Uh, hey? What's going on? What's your name?" I ask, taken aback by her enthusiasm.
"My name's Anna and I'm one of the pilots. Aren't you the scribe?" She answers, tilting her head slightly.
I cough a little to cover up my chuckle. "Um, yes. I am the...scribe. They assigned me to document each day of this trip. The first of its kind! Super exciting stuff..." I trailed off, mildly. I have a slight tendency to ramble. I'm working on it.
Anna nodded, still smiling like her life depended on it. "Well, why don't I show you around? Give you a little tour of the ship?" I nodded and she called out to several of the other taupe people. "I'm going to take the scribe for a little tour, if you guys want to join!"
I frowned a little. "Oh! You can just call me Vanessa."
She blinked at me and then turned around and walked off. The others started following her, chatting in some form of English that could only be described as Nerd.
"Ohhhhh kay." I quickly caught up to them as she was showing off the kitchen and dining areas.
They were ooh-ing and ahh-ing over some state-of-the-art metallic thing. I tried to get into it but honestly this kind of stuff bores me. So I wandered off down the hall on my own tour.
This ship was so massive there were actually ELEVATORS to go up to the next level. Look at me exploring! I found the dorms. I hope my roommate isn't weird, but judging by the dorks downstairs, I doubt I'd luck out in that department.
I stepped into one of the rooms. Everything was in shades of gray and white with wide windows that overlooked the large patch of desert where we were currently docked. I tried to imagine the view once we actually got up there.
I shivered. That big, black nothingness scared me. But we should do something that scares every now and then right? That's what all those self-help books say. I looked around the cold, gray room and then back to the window.
I can do this. I'm the scribe, dammit. My job is important. I have to document everything. Even if it terrifies me.
But I'll be damned if they make me wear khakis.
“Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.”