The Shark Agenda

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What My 9-12 Months Baby Is Eating

Ivy is nearing her 1st birthday (yes, I will sob endlessly) and we’ve been exploring so many different foods to expand her palate.

Some of her favorite things to eat lately are: avocados, pumpkin waffles, carrots in butter, mangos (frozen or freeze dried), red peppers (in butter or freeze dried), reveries beans, blueberries, turkey and grapes.

In terms of “getting” her to eat things, it’s not hard to convince Ivy to eat. The girl LOVES food. She loves all textures, flavors and portions so far. I try not to season with salt but instead let the natural flavors, sometimes enhanced with butter, do the work.

Cooking for her has honestly made me love cooking again. And reminded me to keep it simple and to be flexible. If she’s not feeling something that day? Don’t force it or get frustrated, just find something else for her to eat and write that thing off for the day.

I can’t wait until her back teeth grow in so we can get into harder foods!