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Vanessa's Favorite Films of All-Time Part Ten: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018), directed by Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman and Bob Persichetti.

This blog originally started as a long, long master post of my favorite films but because I like making gifs too much I had to break each movie out into their own films. 😅 What? You’ll read it either way.

Here’s part ten:

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) aka The Best Spider-Movie

Spider-Man is one of my least favorite, if not my absolute least favorite, superheroes.

And I cannot, for the life of me, pinpoint why. I find him exceedingly annoying and have since the day I was introduced to him back when I was a child. So you can imagine my utter dismay that this is the superhero that’s gotten a million different versions outside of comic book pages, while other heroes languish forever in print. I DON’T GET SPIDER-MAN’S APPEAL I’M SORRY.

All of that bitching to say, this movie not only smacked away my irrational distaste for Spider-Man but gave me MULTIPLE Spider-heroes to love and want to see more of. Miles Morales has always been in the peripheral of my comic knowledge (again, I’m a DC Comics fangirl, not a Marvel expert), mostly because he’s a Puerto Rican and Black hero and I don’t see many like that. But he’s more than just that, he’s warm and funny and relatable and sweet and all I wanna do is protect him!

Surprise, surprise … Nessa loves FOUND FAMILIES — a common thread in a lot of my favorite films is. I generally enjoy when a ragtag group of eccentric weirdoes/outcasts/nerds haphazardly find each other, form a bond and a family. It’s a trope that I WILL NEVER GET TIRED OF. Peter Porker and Spider-Man Noir take the prize for being my absolute fave side characters and you can mostly blame John Mulaney and Nicolas Cage for that.

Read about my other fave movies!