The Shark Agenda

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Day 165: Suitcase

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Write about packing for a trip or unpacking from when you arrive home.

I still haven’t unpacked from my all-too-quick trip to Los Angeles with my girl, Drea. We did lots of fun touristy things on Sunday and then went to the premiere of A Star Is Born at the Shrine. It was a magical, amazing trip that I will probably never be able to replicate again.

Packing for this trip was kind of a mess because I had no idea what exactly we were going to be doing half the time so I just kind of haphazardly tossed some stuff in. I ended up not even using half the stuff I packed which ALWAYS HAPPENS TO ME.

I simply cannot pack just 1 - 2 outfits a day, I have to pack different pieces and outfits just in case for whatever reason. And now everything is just kind of sitting in a pile on top of my bag, waiting to get sorted through and unpacked. Boo. I hate unpacking.

But it needs to get done because I have another trip coming in a couple weeks! Back to Cleveland for a wedding and to see my family. That’s going to be a whole other packing disaster that I am not looking forward to.