The Shark Agenda

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Day 161: Eco-friendly

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Write about going green or an environmental concern you have.

I worry about a lot of things when it comes to our environment. One of my main issues is how hard it is sometimes to even have access to recycling in general. Not just in poor or low-income neighborhoods, I get that, less resources for those kinds of programs, etc. 

But why in the middle class hell doesn't every apartment complex, gated community, housing complex with rent higher than $500 a month have a proper recycling program? Almost every single one of the VERY expensive apartment complexes I lived in Columbus (all downtown) had no recycling program of any kind. After graduating college (and after being conditioned for four years with recycling opportunities out the ass), the backwards attitude to recycling was very jarring for me.

One of our apartment complexes, LC Riversouth, implemented a better recycling program when the residents gave feedback that it was insanely hard trying to figure out where recycling even was in the incredibly large complex. Thankfully, LC created spaces within each building to alleviate this problem and make it easier on us to recycle. I used to drink an insane amount of wine a month and it always killed me throwing those damn wine bottles away instead of recycling.

Now that we're in Vegas, we've run into the same issue again. We live in a gated community, home to at least a thousand people and no recycling options to be seen. I've already reached out to the front office to see what can be done about this. Recycling is one of THE best and easiest ways to combat waste in this garbage-filled world, so why aren't more complexes that take in a TON of money a year doing the bare minimum in this regard?