The Shark Agenda

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Day 154: Twenty-One

Photo by Kortnee Greenfield on Unsplash

Write about your 21st birthday.

Like I'm supposed to remember?

I had to actually dig through my old college Facebook albums because I legitimately couldn't remember. Which hello, no shit. I was hammered. Anyway, I'm going to post some photos from my 21st birthday celebration! I believe this is the year my old roommate threw a surprise get-together for me. I got home and all of my friends were shouting "SURPRISE" in my face. It was SO fucking cute.

Then I believe we took that party to the bar. It was on a Monday that year so it was more lowkey than a normal 21st birthday.

We went to Little Bar, which in college, was my FAVORITE bar. They had the best Happy Hour ($2 wells from 4-7pm) and let me in before I was under 21 (unknowingly, since I had a fake ID). Whoops! I was styling hardcore in my yellow and white striped CARDIGAN with a pink crown. 21 year old Nessa completely lost all sense of her own style for a couple years.

And then apparently we moved on to Out R Inn which is a complete and utter shitshow on Mondays since that's historically night #2 of MUG NIGHT. Ah yes, Mug Night. Where you can giant beers for $1.50. I was also taking shots, so thanks for that hangover, everyone.

Awwww look at me and my best friend, Trent! We're still besties to this day, even after (I'm pretty sure) I punched him in the face. Or smacked him really hard? I am unclear. RageCake was a mess and remained a mess until she learned to control her anger.

Anyway, my 21st birthday was a mess but what else did you expect from me?