The Shark Agenda

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Day 143: Failure

Photo by Tim Trad on Unsplash

Write about a time you failed at something. Did you try again or give up completely?

I failed at surviving in corporate America. I tried for years and it just wasn't for me. I know that sounds like some hipster Millennial bullshit but it's true. I've never been able to contort myself to fit into corporate office culture. I've seen some awful shit people to do themselves and to others just to keep moving up that corporate ladder.

Working in the various companies I have over the years changed who I was as a person, changed my goals, changed my outlook on life and for a long time I was incredibly miserable. I had stopped writing creatively, I got wrapped up in office politics and lost sight of what I cared about. I always thought to myself is that honestly all there is? Is this what adulthood has to be like? For the most part....yes. But I didn't have to accept that for myself.

I'm a lot happier now in my path even though essentially running my own mini business and stressing about money isn't something I thought I'd be doing at 28 years old but I wouldn't change that for anything.

So yeah, I suppose I failed at making it in corporate America. I tried over and over again with different companies, strived for promotions to make me like my situation better but it never worked out for me. I'm just not cut out for that.