The Shark Agenda

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Day 101: Wardrobe

Photo by Tobias van Schneider on Unsplash

Write about a fashion model or what’s currently in your closet or drawers.

Fashion is a subjective, monstrous beast that is ever-evolving, as we all know. My personal style tends to be an eclectic mix of people whose style I admire and a desire to try new trends whenever possible. My wardrobe reflects that evolution but one thing always stays consist: the color black.

I've consistently been obsessed with the color black since I started developing my sense of style back in middle school. This isn't some revelation nor is it unique. It's an aesthetic I've built for myself based on my own interests, changing body and how comfortable I felt in my own skin.

In high school, my style ranged from emo-flavored Hot Topic teen to an awkward punk prep vibe. In college, I gave myself completely over to collegiate style and athleisure. Post-college was a weird time for me as I tried to figure how to marry my personal style with the companies I worked for that had strict dress codes. Eventually my style evolved into a marriage of masculine fits and 90s-inspired goth/witchy accents, sometimes broken up seasonally. 

You'll see a lot of scarlet and gray in my wardrobe because the Buckeyes are everything. I HAVE been trying to add in more color but I always default back to black with some military green, deep blues and dark reds. My other favorite color is pink in various shades but I usually limit that to my accessories and not clothes I wear.

Style inspirations range from Rihanna to Reggie from Dear White People to random style bloggers I'm obsessed with. Have you ever seen the movie, The Craft? That's literally my closet.