The Shark Agenda

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Day 76: Missing You

Photo taken by Red Generation Photography

Write about someone you miss dearly.

I miss my grandparents. A lot. They live down in Florida so I don't get to see them as often as I would like to. Rosa and Israel raised some awesome kids and helped raise some cool grandkids (mostly me, I'm definitely cooler than my cousins and my brother šŸ˜Ž).

They're like two distinct rays of sunshine, the kind that only lightly tans your skin, never the kind that burns.
They're like the foundation of a good home, built to last for hundreds of years.
They're like salt and pepper, very different personalities but they work together to make everything taste good.
They're like a pair of rocking chairs that have been around forever but are still super comfy.
They're like the pages of your favorite book you keep rereading because it makes you feel good.
They're like hot chocolate with marshmallows when it's freezing outside.

They're the best grandparents any grandkid could want. I miss them dearly. I can't wait to see them soon.