The Shark Agenda

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Day 73: Last Person You Talked To

My sister, Alexis and I. Photo taken by me.

Write a quick little poem or story about the last person you spoke with.

The last person I "spoke" with is almost always my husband because I live with him and I don't feel like making every post about it so I'm gonna go with the last person I texted: my sister, Alexis.

I wanna tell you guys how proud I am of her. She's come a long way from the insecure, unsure of herself girl I met in middle school to the self-assured, confident woman who is thriving today. Even though she had to move away from me to do it 😭. Sometimes you gotta leave Ohio to live your best life.

She and I had a conversation a few weeks ago, where she opened up about certain behavior patterns she typically indulges in and realized she had to stop herself from falling into that trap again. It shows a level of maturity and self-awareness that is rare in most adults our age. We're all just trying to figure our shit out before we die and I'm proud of her for being on her way to doing that.

The first step to becoming your best self is ridding yourself of anything that doesn't make you happy. I know this can sometimes feel impossible but what's more important than your health and happiness? Nothing.

Let me say this again in pink:

There is NOTHING more important than your own health and happiness.

My sister had to go through hell (some of it of her own doing and she knows that) to figure this out and now she's happier than I've seen her in a long time. I love her and I'm so happy she's doing well.