The Shark Agenda

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Day 61: Drama

Photo by Andrea Tummons on Unsplash

Write about a time when you got stuck in between two parties fighting with each other.

Yikes! It took me a few hours to select which piece of drama I wanted to talk about.

I have two friends who are constantly at each other's throats. At least once a year, they have a falling out where they don't speak to each other for months. This has probably gone on for most of their friendship. It sucks for ME because I get caught in the middle of it. Usually, they both have good points that needed to be said but they also have extremely similar personalities which causes friction constantly. I do think there are some insecurities that each of them brings out in each other. 

One particular instance was the summer before I got married, a bunch of my friends and I went to Las Vegas for my bachelorette party. Needless to say, things got out of hand pretty quickly. Both good and bad.

The two friends in question got into it one night because of something that was misheard or misunderstood or whatever (I don't know I was very drunk at the time and had no idea who said what). But this led to one of the girls storming away and into a cab, while me and my other friend stayed out; the lone survivors of the insane night before that took down most of the bachelorette party.

From that point, pretty much until my wedding weekend, the two did not speak to each other. That was about 2 months of them not talking. At the time, I was A) way too preoccupied with my wedding plans coming up to properly nurse them back together (which is what I normally do) and B) was so used to this in-fighting between them and knew they'd make up eventually. Or at least pretend for the sake of unity during the biggest weekend of my life.

During that time though, they were both basically talking to me about the other and listing reasons why they were in the right and the other was wrong. In truth, this particular instance can be chalked up to mostly drunken angriness and stress. As I said before, each girl has some long-held insecurities and issues with each other that also factored into this. It sucks being stuck in the middle like this because I love them both and usually when there's a fight, you inevitably pick a side. That can't really be done when its two friends who are often making valid points. 

In the end all of these falling-outs could be easily resolved with a long, honest conversation. I believe they made up right before the wedding. I don't think anything was fixed, they just decided to squash it for my sake. Since then, I think there was one more falling out but it's happening with less frequency as we get older. 

If they're both reading this, I love y'all so much. Don't hate me for writing this