The Shark Agenda

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Day 33: Jewelry

Photo of our wedding bands by Red Generation Photography

Write about a piece of jewelry. Who does it belong to?

Technically the rings aren't worth much to anyone else, outside of their monetary value and some societal meaning. We ascribe sentimental value and soul to these rings. They mean more to us than any actual dollar value. They send a message to everyone outside of us.

Black diamonds set in black gold and black titanium, a combo that matches us perfectly.

When we picked our rings out, it was a pretty casual moment. We got them on Etsy! There was no epic swell of music and accompanying tears. It was another thing removed from the to-do list. It wasn't until we were putting them on each other's fingers that the weight of their meaning really hit us. My ring doesn't just belong to me but to him as well and vice versa. It symbolizes a lifelong commitment to each other.

More and more people in my generation are either eschewing marriage altogether or they're marrying people because of pressures from society, their families or their partner. Marriage should be taken more seriously than it is. Don't get married if you have any doubts because it'll eventually fall apart and you'll be left feeling like you've failed. Trust me, you didn't fail. Marriage isn't supposed to be a never-ending SAT, it's supposed to be a partnership. 

Some things are easier said than done, of course. And I'm speaking with zero divorce experience but I have seen marriages only held together by religious expectations and some duct tape and other marriages deteriorate rapidly until they come to a legal end. It's an unfortunate reality and cycle that continues with every generation.

I consider myself extremely blessed to have this ring on my finger, to have this man in my life. This piece of jewelry is means nothing to you, but the world to me.